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  • I have been told that I have nerve deafness. Can hearing instruments help?
    Probably. Estimates are that 95% of hearing losses can be helped with amplification. Most hearing instrument users suffer from this type of loss. Medical experts generally agree that no effective medical treatment has been found for nerve deafness apart from cochlear implants for profound hearing loss. The vast majority of the UK's 9 million deaf or hard of hearing population have developed hearing loss over time that is age-related. We recommend seeing an Audiologist for a consultation if you expect you may suffer hearing loss.
  • My hearing isn't really so bad. Why shouldn't I put off getting hearing instruments?
    Untreated hearing loss can progress, sometimes rapidly, resulting in a condition known as "auditory deprivation." This condition arises when hearing loss goes untreated for an extended length of time and can result in the inability to distinguish and understand certain words even if the words are amplified.
  • I can hear people when they talk, but sometimes have difficulty understanding what they are saying. How is hearing and understanding related?
    Hearing in essence takes place in your brain, understanding words and sentences is a function of your brain. Your ears collect sound, transform it into nerve impulses and send them to the brain where understanding takes place. If deadening of the hearing nerve cells has occurred, understanding may become difficult or sometimes impossible because parts of the sound or words are missing. A properly fitted hearing instrument is designed to compensate for a loss of sensitivity and can positively affect your ability to hear sound. Hearing aids are programmed to match your hearing loss and amplify the sounds that you normally have problems hearing without amplifying the sounds that you can hear, improving clarity and ultimately improving your understanding.
  • I can understand when one person is speaking in a quiet room, but will hearing instruments help me to understand in a crowd?
    Much of the noise in our surroundings is low-pitched and tends to mask out the weaker, high-pitched sounds that give speech meaning. The latest hearing aid technologies are developed to solve hearing and understanding in a crowd. It is specifically designed to help you understand more speech in noisy situations by adjusting your hearing aids automatically to the ideal settings for that environment.
  • I have difficulty hearing with both ears. Do I have to wear an instrument in each ear?
    When both ears are impaired, two-ear assistance is often superior to that of a single instrument. If one of your eyes were weaker than the other but both had a problem, you wouldn't wear just one lens would you? Research strongly supports the benefits of hearing from both ears.
  • My hearing has been getting worse. If I am fitted with hearing instruments, will I have to replace them soon?
    It is a myth that hearing aids will make you more deaf. It is however true that only when poeple are used to hearing aids, do they realise how much they haven's heard! If you suffer an age-related hearing loss, it is likely that your hearing will deteriorate further over time. A hearing instrument is normally fitted with adjustable circuitry, which, to a degree, may be adjusted to your changing hearing loss. If maintained properly, hearing aids can last longer than five years.
  • I have a friend who has a hearing instrument but doesn't use it. Why should I take the chance of doing the same thing?
    Since all hearing losses and instruments are different, your friend may have been incorrectly fitted or obtained the wrong instrument not suitable for their precise hearing loss and was unable to wear the instrument comfortably. Today's advanced hearing instruments, when fitted with precision, significantly increases successful outcomes and patient satisfaction.
  • Are hearing instruments hard to wear?
    No. Most hearing instruments available many years ago were bulky and uncomfortable to wear. Today, however, custom-built hearing instruments and tiny receiver-in-the-canal devices provide a sleek, sophisticated look and advanced technology that is comfortable to wear. Many of the styles are virtually invisible when worn.
  • What should I do if my hearing instruments need repair, adjustment, or are accidentally misplaced?
    Farnham Hearing offers an in-office service for repair and adjustment of your hearing instruments. Occasionally the instruments have to sent to the manufacturer for repair. We recommend insuring your hearing aids to protect against damage or loss.
  • I don’t want my friends to know I am hard of hearing. Will others notice I am wearing hearing instruments?
    To be truthful, your family and friends who knows you well probably already know you have a hearing problem. Hiding a hearing loss can be much harder than hiding a hearing instrument. The good news is that better hearing will improve your quality of life and undoubtedly have a positive effect. Also, the majority of hearing aids nowadays are extremely discreet-fitting and mostly not noticeable.

© Farnham Hearing
The information on this site is for information only, and is not meant to substitute the advice of your own physician or other medical professional.

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