How Do We Ensure the Best Possible Fit?
The Oxford dictionary defines the word verify as making sure or demonstrating that (something) is true, accurate, or justified. Hearing aid fittings MUST also be validated. In the world of Audiology it is known as real-ear-measurements. This means the clinician has to record the sound as it comes out of the hearing aid, within the ear canal, and compare it to the prescription for the hearing loss. In other words, he/she must objectively ensure the instrument is set-up to best fit the ear AND the hearing of the client. Despite it being a requirement for best practice, ironically these measurements are not routinely performed in many private practices across the UK

We perform real ear measurements
We perform Real Ear Measurements to confirm that the volume gain provided by the hearing aid matches the prescribed targets for your hearing loss.
Put plainly, we make sure that the instrument is programmed as close as possible to the unique requirements of your hearing loss by matching the sound at each frequency separately to the recommended volume. We match sounds for conversation level (65dB), loud sounds (80dB) and quiet sounds (55dB) separately.

We Validate the Impact of Our Treatment
We believe in a bio-psycho-social approach for the treatment of hearing loss. This means that we do our best to understand the influence of your hearing loss on you as a person, where and how your quality of life is affected and how we can address it as in the best possible way.
When we develop a treatment plan we make sure we established clear, client-specific goals. We monitor if these goals are reached though out your treatment.